I took this photo today from a two-seater Piper Cub light aircraft over some of Scotlands most beautiful countryside. These monsterous wind turbines are sprouting up all over the place and are rapidly becoming a blight on the landscape. And all for what? A few extra mega-watts of power when the wind blows. Even if every hill in Scotland was covered in the things they still wouldn't produce enough power to meet demand; and even if they could, on still days we would need conventional power stations to plug the gap!
The turbines make a nice triangle and I like how they are joined with that little road. I think your hazy weather conditions detract from this just a little bit, but on the other hand, the soft muted colours are quite attractive. So I am a bit torn about whether I would put more contrast on this one.
I never realised that all those wind turbines can't really do much, and if that's the case, they really do spoil the landscape unnecessarily...
We have some near here and the farmers next to them brought suit against the company because of the noise. They make a rhythmic wooshing noise that day and night was driving them crazy.
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