So, here we are. The last day of the 30 day challenge. I can't say it has been easy, but it has stretched my imagination to have to relentlessly keep coming up with ideas on the same theme. I have tried to explore the subject in a different way to I normally approach my photography. I have worried less about creating technically perfect work and tried to focus more on the issues. Some days this approach worked better than others. Overall I hope that the complete collection can be viewed as "art" even if each individual photograph would not normally be considered to be anything special in its own right.
I am ending the series with a photo taken on Troon beach of what some kids managed to create from the flotsom and jetsom brought in on the tide. If this had been produced by a famous artist it would probably find its way into the Tate Modern. As it is I see interesting shapes, lines and colours arranged in a pleasing way. Art? You decide!
Finally I want to take this opportunity to applaud everyone from Worth1000.com who took part in this challenge, whether or not they made it through the whole 30 day marathon. The standard of work created has been extraordinary indeed. Well done everyone!
Congratulations on completing the 30 Day Challenge. Your theme took a topical subject and considered it from a number of hotly debated points of view. It has been interesting to watch as the images you have submitted have been oddly mirrored in the press and the local elections during the period of this challenge. Not quite sure if you had your finger on the pulse of current news or you were driving the agenda of the news. One to ponder....
I have enjoyed all your posts and descriptions. It was really fun doing this.
I do like this last one. The two splashes of vibrant colour really make it. It's always interesting to see what amuses kids and what they can create out of literally nothing (or rubbish). Well spotted on theirs and your behalf.
And congratulations on finishing all 30 days and giving us all something to think about in terms of how we treat our environment. You had some great ideas on a difficult subject. Very well done.
You last shot says your locals need to be educated in not throwing rubbish overboard :-). I have enjoyed seeing your environmental shots & you came up with artistic ideas on a difficult theme.
What a great shot to end with. There is something really fun about it (yet disgusting at the same time)!
Thank you so much for organizing this thing, Clive. It was exactly what I needed to get me out of the rut I was in. It had been a long time since I had picked up a camera and really spent time each day thinking about photography. I admit many of the days the thoughts were "Oh crap it's 9:00! What am I gonna shoot??!!" but hey... it made me think about it, and it made me do it! ha!
As always... you're an inspiration. Keep up your fabulous work.
Most of this stuff isn't thrown overboard by locals - it all gets swept in from the Atlantic so we end up with rubbish from all over the world here! A lot of Irish stuff but also a fair bit of interesting junk from North America too. A beachcomber's paradise!
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