I mentioned these the other day in conjunction with the proliferation of plastic food packaging. We try to reuse ours by storing them in this neat holder. Whenever you need a bag you can just pull one out of the holes in the side.
From April 8th 2007 I will be posting a daily photograph to this blog on the theme of waste and waste management. Despite huge advances in recycling the figures show that most of what we throw away still ends up in landfill sites. It's not just garbage; we also make a good job of wasting power, fresh water and fossil fuels. I am going to take this opportunity to illustrate the issues as I see them.
HaHa, that's a great storeall. It looks like some kind of blobby and bobbly monster. Nice background colour to complement the colour of the holdall thingy and I like how the bits of plastic are sticking out of the sides of it. Nice work.
We also reuse all our plastic shopping bags for cleaning up the dog and cat waste (yuck), using them for bin liners (I never spend money on those if I can use the free shop ones), and then the rest we take to the children's daycare, where they use them to send home wet, dirty or paint- and playdough-soiled clothes. I try very hard not to throw them away before they have been used at least once more...
What a neat way to store plastic bags. We recycle ours as Kim said (I don't have pets though)& because we use "green" bags we don't get many.
i love the colours & I have enjoyed catching up on your last few shots. We have the energy saving light globes. Not as bright as the conventional ones but they certainly do last years.
We have one similar that we use for the same thing. The rest we take to the recyclers.
SigloV- I saw on the news tonight that somewhere around London a light airplane is taking infrared photos of homes and putting the ones that are leaking lots of energy on the internet for all to see. Wasters beware!
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