You knew I wouldn't be able to go for long without picturing the most essential waste disposal device in the house. Don't worry though, for the sake of this blog, this will be as close as I will take you to one ;-)
From April 8th 2007 I will be posting a daily photograph to this blog on the theme of waste and waste management. Despite huge advances in recycling the figures show that most of what we throw away still ends up in landfill sites. It's not just garbage; we also make a good job of wasting power, fresh water and fossil fuels. I am going to take this opportunity to illustrate the issues as I see them.
What a cool picture! I love that low angle of view and the choice of B&W is great. Excellent work.
I'll bet your wife was glad you provided your own excuse to spruce the place up to be photographed! ;-)
Love this angle!
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