You know that recycling facility I was telling you about yesterday? Well this is typical of what the nearby bushes along a scenic seaside path look like. It is shocking that a large section of our population (and it's not just the kids) think it is ok to behave like this. It sickens me.
I couldn't do much artistically with this one. I just wanted to make a point. I guess in some sort of contorted way the Coke bottle looks like it might be "growing" out of the chaotic tangle of branches.
The Coke bottle looks like a rocket about to exit the image. Let's hope the same can be said for all garbage of the world someday, but I doubt the earth could ever be so lucky!
This is one of those shots that too me, by itself, doesn't really do much. When I first saw it I was a little disappointed in it. But the text you have with it really helps explain the shot and to me puts it all in context with the rest of the series.
Looks to me like the Coke got high on the Stella and is now about to enter the stratosphere...
In all seriousness though this is a familiar scene here in the UK, rubbish dumped everywhere, blighting the landscape. Sad, but disgracefully true. If ever a picture told a thousand words.
I like this because when I saw it, disgust was my reaction. It's not just the UK. We live next to an apartment building and our yard is frequently considered as a garbage can. The twisted branches in the shot kind of add to the idea of what littering does.
Good shot. I went walking in the woods with my kids the other day and I couldn't believe how much rubbish there was! :o(
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