Today I'll simply quote from the BBC News website.
Britons waste the equivalent of around two power stations' worth of electricity each year by leaving TV sets and other gadgets on standby.
Last June Environment Minister Elliot Morley, responding to an MP's question, revealed that electrical equipment in sleep mode used roughly 7TWh of energy and emitted around 800,000 tonnes of carbon.
This image is a great angle on the "Waste" theme. It is a fact that too many things are left on standby. I like the effects on the two red lights, which I would guess has been done by using a filter, long exposure or afterwards in Photoshop. Not sure which though. I'm enjoying your images SigloV and look forward to the other angles you use on the "Waste" theme for the rest of the challenge.
Yes, why do we need "standby"? Because it takes another 10 seconds to warm up? A stupid selling point.
*aha!* I went -
I was confused as to the shiny pretty nature of your waste today :) But It now makes perfect sense and I pity my limited imagination ;)
Looks almost terminator-y, doesn't it? That sleek purplish metal and those red LEDs. Yay if that was your intention :)
The star effect on the two LEDs is achieved soley throught the use of f/22 for 1 minute - no filters or post processing for this one :-)
I love the twinklies...good job!
I like those star flares in there. Nice work on the angle and the great idea too. Very nicely done.
The standby thing is mostly for remotes I think. I don't think the machines can be at our remote beck and call if they are not charged up and waiting... And we do so all like to be obeyed by our machined immediately! What a shame it costs the earth so much. (Me makes mental note to turn off a few more standby gadgets at night!)
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