Monday, April 16, 2007

Day 9 - "Recycle Recycle"

Back to the local recycling centre for this one. This sign says it all, so I'm not going to add any more.


Anonymous said...

My first thought when looking at this image was "I wonder how many people actually stop and READ these signs in full.

I notice that it says that nobody should dump rubbish outside the recycling centre at times when it's closed - which is classed as flytipping. It adds that flytipping can attract a fine of up to £40,000. The Government would be a whole lot richer if everyone who does flytip received a fine of this magnitude.

My guess would be that flytipping would stop overnight!

kimbomac said...

Flytipping! What a wonderful term. It's so.... descriptive! So, quaint. So horrible to contemplate!

Nice shot.