Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Day 17 - "Blue Bin Day"

This is a photograph of my street taken this morning. Our rubbish collections are now on a four week cycle...
Week 1 - Green bin - General household waste
Week 2 - Blue bin - Paper & Plastics + Black bin for glass
Week 3 - Green bin - General household waste
Week 4 - Brown bin - Garden waste
It means you have to be really careful to recycle otherwise your green bin gets too full too quickly.


kimbomac said...

It's awesome your council provides you with this many purpose-built bins. Ours does single-bin recycling, they claim. There are people with masks and rubber gloves who sift through the garbage when everything is all mixed up, and pull out the recyclables. And they say that's cheaper than providing multiple bins. I think they are crazy.

This pic is great. The blue bins look almost psychadelic in the otherwise dully-coloured neighbourhood. Nice work.

Sandra Evans said...

Finally been able to catch up on your blog. A great choice of subjects.

I would probably have the wrong bin out on the wrong week!!


Jen Fluharty said...

Wow that's very interesting. I wish our recycling was done that way... although I guess you need quite a bit of storage space for all those bins!

Neat photo, too. I like the blue bins against the duller-colored other stuff (that's a technical term).

SigloV said...

Sandra - I often forget which bin to put out, I always check what everyone else has done before I wheel mine out!

Jen - It's not too bad for storage; the three bins line up round the side of the house quite smartly....mmm that's an idea for another photo... thanks!

Jen Fluharty said...

Glad I could help ;)